Sunday Service 10:30AM

305 W. 26th St., Merced, CA 95340

Phone: (209) 723-3427

Candice Lamb

Kelly Lowe

​Ben Theo

Our vision is to be an open and inclusive spiritual community that invites transformation through prayer, meditation, teaching, healing and service. Purpose:
We practice the presence of God and we affirm we are whole, perfect and complete expressions of the Divine.
Twyla has a personal mission to support those who desire spiritual awakening and personal growth, and to create a sacred environment where people are empowered to live their life purpose. 

John Albano

Ed Benes

Darrell Devaurs

Cheyenne Hernandez

Having served ministries in California and Colorado, Twyla brings a dedication to teaching life, light and the remembering of our Christ nature. When we remember who we are we express divine love and compassion to self and others. As well as being a Unity minister, Twyla is a HeartMath® Coach and has served as a hospice chaplain, and a Restorative Justice facilitator. In 2000 she founded New Thought Spirit Center, a spiritual counseling practice specializing in co-dependency recovery. While that ministry has changed, Twyla still counsels and guides those who are seeking more clarity and joy in their lives.

Rev. Twyla Reece

Sunday Service 10:30AM

305 W. 26th St., Merced, California 95340

Phone: (209) 723-3427
